Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cat Puke Skwalla

Tiemco 200R size 8
Self created adbomen
Montana Fly Web Wing -- Grey
Green Krystal Flash
Poly Wing in white
2mm Brown Foam
Homemade Blend of Golden Dubbing
Green/ Black Barred Mini Taurantula Legs
Light Green Clear Hollow Tubing
8/0 Tan Thread

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

HB80 is out and we need your HELP!!!

HB 80
Received this email today from Bryan Gregson today and wanted to pass the news along.
for regular updates visit

Utah Recreational Water user Bill is out!!! –> HB 80
Representative Fowlke released the much anticipated Recreational water Bill today!!
The process of this Bill started right after the end of last years session. It involved input from all sides, the DWR and it included the public. This was an ongoing process that lasted though the late Fall. Although, not everyone got exactly what they wanted, all groups on both sides compromised and tried diligently to make this a win-win. Unfortunately, there is always one in the bunch….the FB will not be backing this. They are unwilling to compromise and were set on the language stating “wet-boot” rather than “ordinary high water mark”.
HB 80 –>
PDF –>
Keep up the good work!