Monday, July 21, 2008

A Little PMX Love

I've been on a PMX kick lately since my last trip and decided
to share the receipe with some of a few friends. So here it is.
Tiemco 200R----------size 14
Orange Thread for the butt----------8/0 thread
Black Thread for remaining Fly-----8/0 thread
Bleached Elk Hair
Poly Yarn Post in White
Black Bug Body for the legs
Peacock Herl for the Thorax
Grizzly Hackle for the Parachute.
This Pattern has a lot of steps involved but it sure is a killer fly.
Tie a few up! You wont be disappointed!


CoreyK said...

Wow, nice tie! Killer looking fly pat!

Pat said...

Thanks Cor. Next time I see ya I'll give you a couple.

mike doughty said...

that dog definately should hunt pat. nice tie!

Scott Dickey said...

Love that bug body, nice tie pat.