Sunday, October 11, 2009

Short but Sweet Stillwater

The past couple of days I was in contact with Scott to see what he had planned for the weekend and to see if he could get out. There was talk about heading north into Southwest Wyoming but with the recent snow storms in the area and temps hovering in the high twenties I wasn't quite ready for chipping ice off the guides yet. So we had contemplated about heading into some Indian Land to try our luck for some pre-spawn brown but the plan was derailed since Scott couldn't reach anyone for his permit. So the decision was made to hit some stillwater action since the weather here was decent. Once we arrived it was partly cloudy but comfortable, the wind for the most part was calm. So we got the toons ready and we went through the checklist on what we needed on the water and off we were. The fishing was slow but Scott was able to connect with a Cutt on a chironomid close to shore. I was too far away to get back over to him for a photo, but I did witness the battle he had going from where I was. Shortly after witnessing Scott and his fish I soon connected on a nice Tiger which I would guess went roughly 18 inches or so. I got him on a surprise. I was casting and the streamer him the water fairly hard and just the quick this fish came up and hammered it, I don't know what he was thinking it was when it hit but hey!!! I'll take it. Soon after we both got on the scoreboard the wind came up and pushed us off the water. Even though it was short and sweet it was nice to get out and get some bendo.

Friday, October 2, 2009

October Caddis Series

Some of the best caddis hatches can happen in October, so today I sat down and tied a few. Here is the pattern recipe.

Hook--------- Tiemco 100 size 12

Chenille------ Light Orange, Tan, White

Thread-------- 8/0 brown thread

Underwing--- White Poly Yarn

Overwing----- Amber Z-Lon

Legs-----------Whitings Furnace Hackle. 2 hackles wrapped together.

Feelers-------Stripped Furnace Hackle