Friday, October 2, 2009

October Caddis Series

Some of the best caddis hatches can happen in October, so today I sat down and tied a few. Here is the pattern recipe.

Hook--------- Tiemco 100 size 12

Chenille------ Light Orange, Tan, White

Thread-------- 8/0 brown thread

Underwing--- White Poly Yarn

Overwing----- Amber Z-Lon

Legs-----------Whitings Furnace Hackle. 2 hackles wrapped together.

Feelers-------Stripped Furnace Hackle


Jory Ward said...

awesome fly. makes me want to tie right now.

mike doughty said...

outstanding work pat! that should slay

Bernard Yin said...

Beautiful! I recently did a November trip in northern California and the "October Caddis" was everywhere. We tied massive bugs with primarily synthetic wings and they served us very well. Yours are far prettier. Thanks for the inspiration.

easternangler31 said...

Sick pattern! It looks like the poly yarn caddis. Nice blog too!