Monday, July 18, 2011

European Imports

What comes to mind when you think of European Imports? Mercedes, BMW's? Well how about thick Browns in high water slurpin' cicadas for a mid day snack. Ripping line out of your hands faster than you doing 100mph in 5 seconds. These are the things that make you go back for more, below are a few pics of the day mixed in were a few Cutties but the Browns ruled the day.


Sanders said...

Well done sir...well done!

...some pretty good imports indeed.

Anonymous said...

Nice browns! And cutthroat.

mike doughty said...

the fact that you would fish without me really hurts. haha. looks like a killer day

Pat said...

It wasnt the same, that I can tell you Mike!

Utah Water Log said...

Those are some great looking browns. Awesome creek too. Nice work.

Justin said...

I have a soft spot for browns. Nice fish, well done!

Alvaro said...

Some trout and very nice photos